Time Tracking
Software For Retail and E-commerce

Software teams use different methods to improve their processes, deliver software faster, and satisfy the needs of their customers. timeTracko assists in these efforts.

Time Tracking Software For Retail and E-commerce

What are the features of timeTracko that drive e-commerce and retail businesses?

Clarity on task division
timeTracko allows your e-commerce employees to clearly understand their tasks and will motivate them to complete them effectively.
Attendance management
Employees can keep track of their attendance and working hours with timeTracko. An employer can read through their behavior and spot any inconsistencies that requires further investigation.
Working hours calculation
Keeping track of when your employee’s clock in and out of work can help you understand their time management. Determine the relationship between their work pattern and productivity.
What are the features of timeTracko that drive e-commerce and retail businesses? What are the features of timeTracko that drive e-commerce and retail businesses? What are the features of timeTracko that drive e-commerce and retail businesses?

How does the retail and e-commerce industry optimize and grow with timeTracko?

Approve or deny time entries from teammates
Determine if tracked time is billable or not. If you want to share timesheets with clients, you may need more details to figure out exactly where time went.
Concentration on core business
Using timeTracko will keep your outsourced development and QA teams focused on the tasks rather than getting distracted by other unproductive apps and websites during work hours.
Improve client relations
timeTracko provides you with a detailed view of how much time your clients spent working on the tasks and helps in accurate billing.
How does the retail and e-commerce industry optimize and grow with timeTracko? How does the retail and e-commerce industry optimize and grow with timeTracko? How does the retail and e-commerce industry optimize and grow with timeTracko? How does the retail and e-commerce industry optimize and grow with timeTracko?

timeTracko features that suits
best for retail and e-commerce