10 Proven Ways to Grow Ecommerce Sales

Business Strategies / Business

10 Proven Ways to Grow Ecommerce Sales

According to research done by Oberlo, e-commerce sales are expected to grow by 9.40% in 2024, reaching $6.3 trillion. This is a great opportunity for online businesses who want to become successful in the targeted market by attracting a significant number of sales.

But the question that arises here is – with so much competition, how you will efficiently grab this opportunity? Don’t worry, there are numerous ways that you can take in this regard as an e-commerce business owner. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the 10 most effective ways in detail. In this blog post, we are going to discuss the 10 most effective ways in detail. Whether it’s enhancing your eCommerce web design or leveraging email marketing, these strategies can significantly boost your sales.

Most Effective Ways for Increasing the E-commerce Sales

There is no doubt that there is a long list of ways that can give a boost to overall sales. However, below we are going to only mention the ones that have a high success rate.

1. Personalize Everything for a Better User Experience

 Personalize Everything for a Better User Experience

In order to increase your e-commerce sales, it is highly recommended to personalize everything about your e-commerce store or website. This will involve taking care of several things:

For instance, your website or store should suggest products based on a customer’s browsing experience or purchase history. Not just this, it would be great to offer them fully targeted promotions or advertisements.

Moreover, personalization also involves serving potential customers with content (i.e., blog posts, etc.) that perfectly resonates with them.

Taking care of all these will ultimately lead to a better user experience, which will further increase the overall chances of maximum sales growth.


To master the art of personalization, you must have to get a detailed understanding of the target audience. Determine their specific needs, interests, pain points, etc., through competitive market research or by performing surveys/interviews in the targeted market.

2. Optimize the Product Listing

Optimize the Product Listing

Optimizing the product listing of your entire e-commerce site can also contribute to growing sales. This is because it will enhance the store’s ranking, which will ultimately lead to better traffic and obviously sales.

However, it is important to note that, optimization involves paying attention to multiple things that we have discussed below.

a) Product Title:

A title is the first thing that potential customers see. So, you should optimize it in such a way that it stands out and catches the attention. For this, try to create titles that are accurate as well as descriptive. Additionally, highlight unique details about the product.Tip:
Capitalize The First Letter Of Each Word In The Title!

b) Product Descriptions:

Product descriptions play a key role in purchase decision-making. Its optimization process will involve using engaging words and phrases to describe the information about the product, instead of technical or unique jargon.

We know this will not only require good writing skills but also time since you have to optimize hundreds of descriptions. So, here relying on an AI paraphraser can be an intelligent move. It will quickly turn a given product description into a compelling one by replacing boring words with attractive synonyms.

Moreover, you should also optimize the overall length of the description, as customers usually don’t prefer interacting with detailed ones. So, keep them concise and to the point.   

Useful Tip:

Consider using bullet points or bolding the important words and phrases in the descriptions.

c) Inclusion of keywords:

You should incorporate both relevant keywords in both the title and descriptions. This inclusion will not only enhance ranking but also grab the attention of potential customers. However, in the greed of better visibility, avoid overloading the titles and descriptions with too many keywords, as this is not a good practice.

Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to quickly find good keywords.

d) High-Quality Images & Videos:

Finally, optimizing product listing also involves adding high-quality images or videos of the products that are being sold. Try to show the products from different angles. Doing so will greatly contribute to winning customer trust and leading to sales.

3. Use Email Marketing

Use Email Marketing

When it comes to growing sales, email marketing is one of the go-to tactics for online businesses. According to reports, more than 82% of marketers use email marketing worldwide. However, to achieve success in email marketing, it is crucial to follow the right approach that we explained below.

Gather email lists: First of all, you should gather the email addresses of the targeted audience. For this, there are multiple tactics that can be used such as offering free gifts in exchange for email addresses.

Segment the emails: Segmentation of emails involves dividing the addresses of customers who share the same needs and preferences in different portions.

Write Subject Line & Email Copy: Now, write a compelling subject line that not only grabs the recipient’s attention but also clearly describes the email’s purpose. Use compelling words and phrases, instead of casual ones. When writing the email copy, the formula remains the same.

Ensure Maximum Conciseness: For email copy, you should ensure maximum conciseness, so that customers can quickly understand the main message/purpose. So, find and remove any extra words and phrases from the email, before sending. To quickly do this, a summarizer will be helpful. It will automatically condense your given text without harming its quality or meaning.

Once all is done, you can then start sending the email to the targeted audience.

It is necessary to send emails at a time when the chances of opening are higher. Usually, a perfect time is considered between 9-11 am.

4. Partner with an Influencer

Partner with an Influencer

Partnering with an influencer can also be a good way to boost sales. Let us explain how. People often idealize their favorite influencer or celebrity in terms of lifestyle. They closely monitor what type of products and services popular personalities use and then start following their path.

So, as an e-commerce business owner, you can also hire a social media personality and ask them to promote your products for maximized sales.

However, it is important to note that the success of influencer marketing is totally dependent on the popularity of the influencer. And it is also true that the more popular personality you will hire, the more it will cost you. So, make sure you have enough budget for the promotion.

Big Benefit:

Promotion through influencer marketing will not only increase your brand sales but will also give a boost to the brand identity in the targeted market.

5. Start Social Media Marketing

Start Social Media Marketing

Around 5.7 billion people worldwide make use of social media on a regular basis. This means, that using social media can also be a good way of attracting new customers and growing e-commerce sales.

There are numerous social media platforms available that you can use for promotion such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and many more. And one of the amazing things is that all these platforms are available for free. However, they also give the “Paid Advertising” option that businesses can use to give a special boost to their posts.

In order to get the most out of social media marketing, consider following the tips listed below.

  • Always share valuable content with the targeted audience regularly.
  • Interact with loyal followers as much as possible through comments.
  • Keep an eye on the latest trends and adopt them to remain competitive.  

6. Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Provide Exceptional Customer Service

Nowadays, customers are more likely to make frequent purchases from a brand or business that makes them feel valued. So, as an e-commerce owner, you should focus on providing exceptional customer service to win their trust and encourage them to make purchases. Wondering how? Continue reading.

You can figure out the issues the potential customers face regarding your products, website, or any other related thing. Then take the necessary steps to quickly and efficiently address those concerns.

Tip: You can ask the targeted audience to give feedback about your business. This is the easiest way to determine where you need to make improvements for better customer service.

Moreover, your team should be available 24/7 to answer customers’ relevant queries. Not just this, but also consider providing omni-channel support. This means, your team has to be available on different channels or platforms to efficiently assist a larger audience.

7. Offers Special Discounts & Offers

Offers Special Discounts & Offers

The heading is already saying everything. To grow overall e-commerce sales, you should offer special discounts and offers. Doing so will definitely contribute to attracting customers leading to better sales.

Not just this, by offering discounts, you will also have the opportunity to gain new customers. This is because your loyal customers will refer their family members, and friends to your store or websites so that they can get also benefit from the discounts or offers.

It is always recommended to offer time-bound discounts. This creates a sense of urgency among potential customers to make immediate purchases. However, before offering any kind of discounts or special offers make sure your brand has enough resources i.e., budget.

Note: Keep in mind that, too much or frequent discounts can also devalue your products, and make them look cheap.

8. Fix Cart Abandonment Issues

Fix Cart Abandonment Issues

Cart abandonment is one of the most common reasons behind less sales. Cart abandonment is basically a process when potential customers start the checkout process, and then suddenly leave the process incomplete. There can be numerous reasons behind this such as:

  • Unexpected prices
  • Complex procedure
  • Lack of payment options
  • Inappropriate return policies

So, obviously, in order to grow the overall conversion, you should find and fix cart abandonment issues that your e-commerce store has. For this, monitor your store insights to determine the exact reason behind cart abandonment, and then take necessary steps to address the issue.

Alternatively, you can also add some benefits in the checkout process such as “Free Shipping,” etc. to keep the customers interested.

When you become successful in reducing the cart abandonment issue, you will definitely notice an increase in overall sales.

9. Celebrate or Appreciate Existing Customers

Celebrate or Appreciate Existing Customers

Just focusing on attracting new customers should not be only your goal for sales growth. Instead, you should also appreciate or celebrate the existing loyal customers. Doing so can also give a boost to sales, let us explain how.

When you appreciate loyal customers, it will strengthen your relationship by building trust and loyalty. Besides this, the appreciation will also create a positive picture of your brand in the targeted market. People will think you are the one who truly knows the real value of customers.

Now, you may be wondering how to efficiently appreciate existing customers. Multiple ways can be taken in this regard, such as:

  • Arrange surprise tours or dinners.
  • Send thank you emails or handwritten notes.
  • Offer special anniversary discounts.

Do not forget to promote your celebration activities on social media, so that others can notice.

10. Showcase Good Customer Testimonials

Showcase Good Customer Testimonials

Finally, positive customer testimonials can also contribute to maximizing sales growth. This is because a testimonial will act as proof for the potential customer that the brand’s previous purchaser was completely satisfied. So, there will be no harm in making the purchase.

In simple words, a customer testimonial will create trust and credibility in your e-commerce store, which will further result in maximized sales.

Now the question is – how you can effectively showcase customer testimonials? Below we have discussed a successful approach.

  • Consider using a variety of formats such as images, videos, and case studies.
  • Only showcase relevant testimonials.
  • Make sure they are easy to skim and understand.  

Avoid showcasing fake testimonials just to win customer’s trust.

Final Words

Growing sales is one of the most important goals of every e-commerce business on the Internet. Better sales not only help them to remain profitable but also competitive. In this blog post, we have explained 10 ten most effective ways that can be taken to give a boost to overall sales.