4 tips on how to effectively manage outsourcing employees

Employee monitoring

4 tips on how to effectively manage outsourcing employees

In an increasingly interconnected world, the concept of outsourcing is becoming commonplace. Companies often outsource some of their responsibilities or positions to a third-party vendor, leading to a diverse and widespread outsourced team.

For example, delegating your project to an IT outsourcing company like Сlockwise Software provides such benefits as cost reduction, improved efficiency, and access to a larger pool of talent. However, managing an outsourced team can present unique challenges, which require specific strategies for effective outsourced management.

In this article, we will help you understand the benefits of outsourcing and give the most effective tips on how to effectively manage outsourcing employees.

Outsourcing and its benefits

Outsource jobs range from accounting and marketing to more technical fields like software development outsourcing and IT outsourcing. Organizations often tap into the outsource employees’ expertise to optimize workflows and reduce operational costs. One of the most significant benefits of outsourcing is the ability to access a broad talent pool from around the globe, ensuring the best fit for specific project requirements.

Not only can this global outreach bring unique perspectives and innovative ideas, but it also offers the flexibility to operate around the clock, further boosting productivity. For instance, IT outsourcing has proved particularly beneficial, as companies can leverage advanced technologies and skilled professionals from around the world for their software development needs.

Moreover, outsourcing enables companies to focus on their core competencies, freeing up internal resources. In-house employees can then concentrate on strategic and revenue-generating activities, while routine or specialized tasks are handled by the outsourced team. This clear delineation of roles and responsibilities leads to enhanced efficiency and performance.

Additionally, the financial benefits of outsourcing are not to be overlooked. By outsourcing tasks, companies can convert fixed costs into variable costs, allowing for more effective budgeting and control. Outsourcing also eliminates the need for significant capital investment in resources, infrastructure, and training.

However, despite these advantages, managing an outsourced team can present unique challenges, necessitating effective strategies for communication, performance management of remote workers, and team-building. One method that companies often adopt is the HR strategy framework. This framework guides organizations in aligning their human resource practices with the broader business strategy, ensuring that outsourced team members are integrated, motivated, and aligned with company goals.

Four tips on how to manage outsource employees

Now, we will explore the top tips on how to effectively manage outsourced teams. So keep on reading!

1.   Establish effective communication and collaboration with outsource employees

Clear and regular communication is pivotal in remote employee supervision. Establishing clear expectations and fostering an open-door policy ensures that both the management and the outsource employees understand each other’s progress and goals. This not only helps manage time zones and scheduling with outsource employees but also aids in addressing cultural differences that might arise when managing outsource employees.

Involving the outsourced team in the company’s culture plays a crucial role in building successful relationships with outsource employees. This can include team-building exercises, cross-functional meetings, or the use of internal team tools like instant messaging systems.

The advent of digital tools has made it easier to foster effective communication and collaboration with remote teams. Utilizing software such as calendar apps, meeting schedulers, instant messaging systems, and video chat software can aid tremendously in managing an outsourced team. These tools can keep everyone in sync, address queries promptly, and facilitate smooth real-time communication, irrespective of geographical boundaries.

Also, acknowledging and recognizing the outsourced employees’ work is crucial in building a strong relationship and boosting their morale. Whether it’s through private messages or public recognition on a digital board, employees who feel appreciated will be more engaged and motivated in their work.

It’s also important to be mindful of the cultural and language differences that might exist within the team. It’s recommended to provide language support if necessary and promote a culture of respect and understanding. Incorporating cultural sensitivity into your communication strategy can enhance team cohesion and productivity.

Finally, don’t forget the power of face-to-face interaction, even if it’s virtual. Regular video conferences can provide a more personal touch and allow for non-verbal cues that can be crucial in understanding and connecting with your outsourced team. This is particularly important in building trust, which is the cornerstone of a successful and productive team.

2.   Ensure productivity and efficiency of outsource employees

A crucial aspect of offshore team management is monitoring the progress of outsource employees and addressing any issues promptly. It’s essential to have strategies in place for tracking the performance of remote workers and to offer constructive feedback where needed.

Encouraging outsource employees to uphold and embody the company brand is another way to ensure their productivity. Financial bonuses can be a useful motivator, serving as a recognition of their hard work and contribution to the company.

In addition to monitoring, providing necessary resources and tools is vital to enhance productivity. This can include access to necessary software, databases, or any specific tools they might need for their work. As an example, in the case of software development outsourcing or IT outsourcing, ensuring the team has access to the latest development tools, testing platforms, and collaborative project management software can significantly enhance their productivity and work quality.

Training and development programs are also crucial for remote workers. It’s important to ensure that your outsourced employees receive adequate training to understand the company’s policies, procedures, and unique aspects of their role within the organization. These programs could also include training on industry regulations, especially if they vary from region to region. Simultaneously, cybersecurity training becomes paramount to protect sensitive data and maintain the integrity of the business. Offering a learning-oriented environment can significantly increase their efficiency, keep them updated, and help them feel valued and integrated into the team.

3.   Build successful relationships with outsource employees

The relationship between the management and outsourced team extends beyond professional boundaries. Acknowledging the work of outsource employees and recognizing their accomplishments can foster a sense of connection and engagement. Trusting the outsource employees’ expertise, integrating their practices into your business procedures, and respecting their insights can further enhance this relationship.

Cultural sensitivity plays a significant role in building a successful relationship with outsource employees. Companies should appreciate and respect the cultural differences that might arise due to the global nature of outsourcing. This could mean observing international holidays, being sensitive to different working hours or simply understanding different communication styles. In fact, embracing these cultural differences can broaden perspectives and stimulate innovation within the organization.

Regular team building activities, both professional and fun, also help in fostering a strong bond among the team members. These could be virtual team lunches, celebrating individual or team wins, online game sessions, or even collaborative problem-solving sessions. Such activities not only strengthen the relationship between the management and outsourced team but also foster a sense of belongingness among the outsourced employees, making them feel like an integral part of the team. These practices ultimately lead to improved productivity, enhanced team spirit, and a successful long-term relationship.

4.   Use tools and technologies for managing outsourced employees

Effective remote workforce management often relies on digital tools. Calendar apps, meeting schedulers, instant messaging systems, and video chat software can simplify communication with outsource employees. They can also help in coordinating across different time zones, making remote project management smoother.

Project management tools like Trello, Asana, or Jira are instrumental in productivity tracking for outsource employees. These platforms provide a centralized space where everyone, including the outsourced team, can stay updated on the project’s status. They can also be integrated with other tools such as Slack for communication or Google Calendar for scheduling, providing a holistic approach to managing the outsourced team.

Furthermore, cloud-based file sharing tools like Google Drive or Dropbox play a crucial role in managing outsource employees, particularly in fields like IT outsourcing or software development outsourcing. These tools ensure all team members, irrespective of their location, have access to the necessary documents or codebases. Moreover, they provide secure and real-time collaboration with remote teams, ensuring everyone is working on the most recent version of a document or software code. Leveraging these technologies can significantly enhance the efficiency and productivity of your outsourced team.


Managing an outsourced team may pose challenges, but with effective strategies and tools, it’s possible to build a successful relationship with outsource employees. Understanding the nuances of outsourcing and the benefits it offers can help leverage the strengths of both in-house and outsource employees. The key lies in clear communication, setting expectations, respecting expertise, and fostering a supportive environment for all.