Why is Employee Wellness Important?
Why is Employee Wellness Important?
The idea of wellness is equally important for an employee working in an office. Employee wellness is also mandatory for workplace wellness as an unhealthy work environment harms employees.
An organization runs with employees as the backbone and demands a healthy workforce. So, we can say that for the wellness of an office, the wellness of employees is a must.
For an organization to work properly, there must be rules and habits common to all members. The ground rule set by the head of the office is what the rest of the employees follow.
The habits include healthier lifestyles, checking up employee wellness for employee mental health, daily habits, and diversity equity and inclusion in the office.
The workers of an office are the ones who make the office run and represent the organization. Without the employee’s aid, the institution is like a skeleton without muscles.
Organizational Set-up and Employee Wellness
The workforce implements what was set as the organization’s foundation, so the employer must regard employee wellness.
It is not always possible for the employer to individually check up on the employees, but they can set a standard work culture.
The organizational culture binds all employees, employers, and other staff together, and that same trend remains for generations and generations. There is always a solution to the poor employee wellness situation.
An employee needs to keep the office’s wellness while the employer needs to take charge of employee wellness. It is how the chariot of an office functions properly. But what exactly is employee wellness?
Employee Wellness
“Wellness” touches a wide spectrum of physical, mental, social, emotional, environmental, physical, spiritual, financial, and intellectual wellness.
When talking about employee wellness, reporting to an office and working proficiency demands wellness in all these variations for the perfect outcome. Employee wellness includes:
- The alert mind and body without health risk.
- Proper social behaviors.
- A collaborative workplace.
- Good colleague relations with employee engagement.
- Mindfulness for task completion.
- A stable financial situation.
Each employee deals with their mind functionalities behavior that affects other employees. When the wellness of a colleague is hampered, the others are directly and indirectly affected.
Importance of Employee Wellness for an Office
The state of not being well of employees is in direct proportion to productivity. If the employees are not well, the team spirit lessens, and the overall working environment is affected.
The importance of employee wellness increases as an employee stays in the office for a longer time. Attractive office decor ideas make employees stay longer at the workstation.
While some workers are absent being health-wise unwell, the concept of employee mental wellness includes helping employees adopt healthy lifestyles and forming a wellness committee.
The wellness of an employee is important as :
- Employees are responsible for either increasing or decreasing the outcomes of a company.
- Employees are the front-liners that represent your company, so they provide either good or bad services to the customers.
Why Presenteeism and Absenteeism Matter?
Presenteeism means when an employee is present but is not working. This situation can arrive when an employee is unwell but still presents themselves at work.
Another reason could be laziness in employees. Employees cannot perform well and productivity due to workplace distractions.
The over workload makes this happen when employees lack job security.
Presentism decreases when there is strong management and employees have the presence of mind at the workplace and give their hundred percent.
Absenteeism is when employees do not go to work and remain absent due to illness. This situation arises when workers are not engaged at the workplace at all.
Absenteeism increases when there is a mental and physical illness. Absenteeism decreases when there is strict attendance tracking and a strong absence policy.
Reduction of Absenteeism and Presenteeism Rates Concerning Wellness
There are some ways by which managers and leaders can work to reduce the amount of absenteeism and presenteeism that also benefits employers as it contributes to employee wellness:
Keeping Track of Absenteeism and Presenteeism Rates
When the rates are kept in mind and analyzed, employers can think about why the rate is so high.
After employee surveys, there can be meetings about why the employee is not giving their best concerning social and health wellness. In this way, the emphasis on employee wellness increases.
Revisiting Legal Requirement
While visiting the rules and regulations, employers can check if the rules are too strict, how they affect the rates of absenteeism and presenteeism, and what updates they require.
The legal provisions can act as one of the wellness challenges, and the outcome will help improve intellectual wellness.
Promising Safety To Employees
The employees should feel safe in their office, boosting their mental and environmental wellness. The office should make employees clear about the facilities and salaries for financial wellbeing.
Empathy is another important factor in understanding the emotional state of employees. When you listen to them, their mental and emotional wellness is improved.
Role of Employer for Employee Wellness

Employers can play a vital role in employee wellness and boost them up. The major concern during the COVID19 pandemic or health hazards can be a vaccination for employees like The provision for COVID19 vaccination.
Here are things that employers can do for employee wellness:
Creation of a Work-Friendly Environment
If the work environment is better, the outcome will be similar. Motivating employees is another characteristic that makes the work environment better.
From a psychological aspect, too, if you work in a neat, hygienic, and refreshing work environment, then productivity increases. The employees’ physical and mental well-being is taken care of.
Teaching Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the idea of being present at the moment and giving 100% to it. Employees may be disturbed by some other stuff, and their minds may not only be limited to work.
When you introduce mindfulness and ask colleagues to think about their attention, this can bring positive outcomes and improve the mental wellbeing of employees lowering health risks.
Share the Secret of Work-Life Balance
The repetition of the same routine can get boring, so it is important to make changes in the daily routine by doing something interesting.
That includes going on trips on vacation, refreshing minds, and rejuvenating again for work life. One employee can help the other with smoking cessation.
Indulge in Community Activities
The employers can organize fundraising programs and volunteer for newer reflections on life situations.
Being involved in community activities helps in maintaining social wellness. Also, involvement in a well-being program can aid employees in improving their wellness.
Wellness Programs Benefits

There are programs for the wellness of organizations and the individual development of the employees, including proper health checkups with biometric screenings and comprehensive wellness programs with employee training, seminars, or collaboration with third parties for employee wellness.
There are a lot of benefits that we can derive from wellness programs.
The benefits of wellness programs are listed below:
Increase In Productivity
Employee health gets on track when employees adapt to healthy living and proper food habits, employees will fall less sick—employees who get sick lead to unproductivity.
Confident Employees
Organizing seminars and events boost participants’ confidence, and they feel appreciated and valued—the thrill and enthusiasm for work increases among the employees. The employee stress is reduced and promotes spiritual wellbeing.
Getting More Employees
Wellness programs are excellent for attracting new employees. The old employees remain safe in the company, and newer employees are hired. The organization of wellness programs is best to attract and retain employees.
Absenteeism Reduction
As wellness programs help reduce stress, employees have less chance to remain absent. The HR news forum can notify employees about wellness programs. Absenteeism reduction helps companies rise.
Employee Relationship Strengthening
Participating in games and sports, having lunch, and going to the gym can deepen employee relationships and the joy of helping people.
The out-of-work interaction helps build the in-work collaboration easier and strengthens physical health.
Initiative For Employee Wellness
Employers can take some initiative for the wellness of employees after wellness programs. For the maintenance of wellness, we can keep some ideas in mind. Some of them are:
Healthy Lunch and Snacks
Fast foods are a big no for a daily diet. Most of the time, employees opt for fast food during lunch and breaks.
The employers can allow breaks to head home or even bring homemade lunches and play and hit the gym.
Healthy habits ensure physical wellness in the long term and boost employees. The company can hire healthy snack brands and provide healthier food options of employees’ choice.
Assistance Programs
Employers can let the other employees know that they are always there for support and help when any company member needs them.
Employers can help employees cope with personal problems, manager stress, and anxiety.
The employer and employee can sit together and discuss techniques to strengthen memory, sharpen the mind, and mindfulness with peace of mind.
Meditation programs with yoga sessions are also a good investment for the mental wellness of employees.
Separate Time for Fitness and Games
Employees are usually stuck in sitting positions for many working hours. After the day, separate fitness software and gym memberships would help them remain fit and healthy.
Games in the workplace improve employees’ problem-solving skills. Employee health and wellness must be the topmost priority of the office head.
Knitting The Different Types Of Wellness Together
The discussion begins when an employee facing a physical wellness problem is unaware that the other has a situation with mental problems.
The employee can work together for overall wellness by taking wellness initiative and talking about the different aspects of employee wellbeing rather than depending upon the employer or office.
During off-hours, employees can hold discussions regarding the different aspects, find and discover and know about each other and then ask the employer or office to organize events.
The notification for wellness helps in employee recognition and benefits every office member.
If the office environment is not well kept, then it is also the duty of employees to let employees know about the present situation and how it needs improvement.
Employee wellbeing is a top concern for the office, and the employees themselves need to be aware of it.
Employee wellness is an essential part of developing a workstation’s present situation, keeping in mind the future. Each employee has something to learn from the employer and vice versa.
Corporate wellness programs ensure happiness, healthiness, and overall wellbeing reducing health problems.