Best Tips to Enhance Remote Work Efficiency

Remote Work

Best Tips to Enhance Remote Work Efficiency

“People are more productive working at home than people would have expected. Some people thought that everything was just going to fall apart, and it hasn’t. And a lot of people are actually saying that they’re more productive now.” – Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook.

COVID-19 has made remote working a necessity rather than a luxury in many professions. Many companies have offered their employees the ability to work from home since COVID-19 was announced. But is a remote work environment productive?

Having the ability to work from home offers flexibility, but if not handled correctly, it can become a waste of time. This is why we developed a comprehensive list of suitable work-at-home techniques. Many workers think working from home will test their productivity. 

Most people believe that remote working has led to a loss in efficiency due to the convenience it offers. However, this is not always the case. You lose productivity not as a result of this but rather as a result of failing to learn the fundamentals. 

Many people believe that intrinsic motivation is necessary when working from home in order to finish things successfully and on time. Working from home reduces your likelihood of leaving your house and engaging in traditional work routines.

This article covers tips that can boost your remote work efficiency.

What is Remote Work?

Remote work involves working outside of regular office space so that professionals can work effectively. It is based on the idea that work need not be done at a specific location to be successful.      

Remote work, also known as, “work from home”, is a long-term appeal is linked to the benefits, such as decreased or eliminated commuting times, recruiting and hiring advantages, and improved productivity.

It’s possible to work remotely in several ways, and that’s the beauty of it: individuals can find a working arrangement that fits their lifestyle.

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What are the Significant Challenges Of Remote Work?

Remote work has several obstacles, most of which are dependent on how you operate. Fortunately, most of these obstacles are also easily resolved. In order to avoid complications in remote working teams, it is best to address these challenges directly.

Challenges of remote work

Here are some of the challenges that you might face during working remotely:

1. Communication

Communication with the team gets harder during remote work. `Also, if someone new joins the team, making them understand the work might be a very challenging task. Miscommunication in the team may delay the workflow.

2. Lack of Motivation

While working from home, some employees might lack the motivation to work. The economical and emotional pressure might make the employees feel demotivated.

3. Team Collaboration

Team Collaboration is one of the biggest challenges of remote work. Things like proper synchronization, time management, employee management, and task updates must be properly done for proper collaboration.  

4. Monitor Performance

Remote work makes it challenging to monitor performance, which can result in poor business outcomes. Your ability to monitor remote employees affects productivity and performance.

5. Time Management

You can have trouble managing time; there can be lots of distractions (like children, household work, etc.) that will affect you from doing your work properly. Use time tracking software (like timeTracko, RescueTime, TimeDoctor, etc.)  to track all your activities and helps to maintain your productivity.
Learn more: 4D’s of Time Management⏱⏱

15 Tips to Enhance Remote Work Efficiency

More companies are allowing workers to work from home. Making your work environment and habits favorable for concentration and productivity can assist you in making the most of your position.

Understanding the numerous aspects that influence remote work can help you build a good working environment.

In this blog, we discuss several remote working tips based on your physical surroundings, personal care, and work style to boost the efficiency of workers.

Tips On The Physical Environment On Remote Working

  1. Get Dressed

Although you are doing your job from home, getting dressed well will help you to get some vibes that you are working from the office. From a physiological point of view, getting properly dressed help if you are trying to remain productive.

Dressing more properly will make you feel better psychologically, making it much simpler to concentrate on your everyday routine. Dressing more formally may also help a person feel significantly more at ease while participating in an unplanned video calling with clients or team members.

  1. Stay Organized

Maintain a clutter-free workplace and create a strategy for organizing essential papers and documents. If you have the space, you can be creative with your storage solutions, or you may utilize standard manila folders to divide different work files.

tips for better work-life balance

Additionally, once you enter that dedicated space, your brain learns that it is time to work. Whatever way you use, staying consistent with your approach is important for developing efficient organizing habits.

  1. Make A Schedule

Make a routine for your whole day. It helps in reaching your daily activity goals. You can include meeting time, lunch time, break time, and other tasks which you do beyond your job.

A proper schedule for your work helps in maintaining proper productivity. 

It is possible to make schedules using the Pomodoro technique in order to enhance the productivity of employees.

According to a research done in 2020 on 2,000 Americans who work from home, it was found that:

  • 66% are worried about their productivity,
  • 29% are hesitant to take any food breaks during work hours, and 
  • 6 in 10 are embarrassed to take any break throughout the workday.
  1. Make A Proper Home Office

Creating a proper workspace in your home creates proper boundaries between your work life and home life. Make a proper home office setup where you can work easily without any distractions.

An unorganized workspace can cause unwanted distractions and stress. Your workspace must be organized so that you feel comfortable while working. Make sure your workspace has proper ventilation, light, fresh air, etc., so that you don’t feel uneasy.

By establishing an office-space environment, setting up a separate workstation can guarantee you stay focused on your task. At the end of the day, the proper concentration is the most important part of work efficiency and achieving successful results.

  1. Limit Distractions

According to the survey done in 2021, 15% of the remote workers mentioned their most significant challenge during remote work is distractions at home.

Finding strategies to restrict all of the distractions surrounding you is by far one of the most difficult aspects of telecommuting. With the present situation, it’s probable that you’ll have to take time away from work to do activities that aren’t normally part of your routine. Recognize that you are trying your best and that your teammates are as well.

Simultaneously, having a regular routine and a specific workplace may help you build and maintain work boundaries, limiting unwanted distractions.

  1. Equipped With Tech And Productivity Tools

You have to take some benefits of the latest technology. There are also various productivity tools that you can use to measure your productivity.

Working remotely means you have to do a lot of work through technology. You need to make sure that the gadgets you use are reliable and capable of performing your task. Gadgets like laptops, PCs, headphones, speakers, cameras, WiFi, etc., need to be properly managed for efficient workflow.

Another most important method to ensure a remote team’s success when working from home is to provide them with tools that help them stay connected and productive. This is especially true if you are an employer in charge of a remote team; you want to ensure that everyone has the tools they need to be productive and engaged.

Apps like project management tracking, chat, and video conferencing are all excellent solutions for remote employees.

Read more: Remote Work Tools That Employees Need🖥️🧰🛠️

  1. Communication

Excessive communication is frequently regarded as a waste of time. When you work from home, though, overcommunication might be a lifesaver.

Working from home needs constant communication among all employers and employees. Also, don’t confuse overcommunication with continually disturbing your colleagues. You may annoy your coworkers by going overboard at times.

Instead, talk to your employees and let them know about your schedule and availability. In addition, start alerting them every time you finish a job or assignment. Communicate clearly, on time, and in a straightforward way.

To communicate virtually, you can use Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, and many other tools.

In the same way, you can use collaboration tools to share project progress, share files and folders, schedule shifts for employees, and assign tasks.

You can choose Slack, Asana, Trello, and many more for collaboration tools.

Read More: Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Meetings

Tips for Remote Worker’s Personal Care

  1. Take A Walk

It is such a hectic task to sit in one place and do your work. Sitting in one place without taking a break will also decrease work efficiency.

Taking a walk around your house, around your area, and up and down your apartment stairs can bring some refreshment to clear your head. It will also help in circulating the blood in your body and also gives your eyes a little rest for the screen.

A simple walk in nature can bring refreshment to increase efficiency to do your work more effectively. You also can take your dog along with you for a walk. Also, you can take a short break to do some exercises.

  1. Proper Care Of Your Health

Use any extra time during the day to establish a healthy habit for yourself. While you don’t have to combine two hours of intensive exercise, it is crucial to move and keep physically active throughout the day.

Similarly, try new healthy dishes and make time for self-care. Staying healthy can improve your work performance and raise your productivity.

You can also do regular exercises and meditation to keep your mind and body healthy. 

  1. Eat And Sleep On Time

Working remotely may attract you with easy access to snacks and beverages, as well as sitting for lengthy periods of time without moving. When working from home or remotely, be careful to support healthy habits. Stock your fridge with nutritious food and clean water.

Drinking water throughout the day keeps you hydrated and your brain working at its best. Regular activity improves blood circulation, allowing you to think more clearly and be more productive.

eat and sleep on time

In addition, one of the most important tasks that go overlooked when working from home is your sleep schedule. Between work and binge-watching, your sleep time is frequently compromised.

However, if you want to produce the best performance, you must have a regular sleep pattern. It keeps your thoughts clean. You should get 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

Tips For Remote Workers Working Style

  1. Be Patient

You might get stressed out or overwhelmed when you are in an uncertain situation. In such times, stay calm and try to be positive and patient.

The workload might make you stressed, and this might indirectly affect your family, friends, and colleagues. Even in your office or in your life, many ups and downs can arise, which may bring dramatic change.

In such a situation, reacting patiently to every situation is worth your time and effort, which will also save you from stress and uncertainty.

  1. Support Team Members

Ask for help if you are stuck, upset, or simply need to connect with someone. Reach out to your teammates and let them know how you’re feeling. Similarly, if you feel overloaded by your responsibilities, speak with your boss about a more flexible arrangement.

A remote team will need proper support from their team members in every aspect on and off the work. Make sure that the employees are connected in the same environment. Promote self-care, taking regular breaks, and proper communication among remote workers to ensure everyone remains productive.

supporting team member

The ups and downs are what make job growth worthwhile. There is a supportive community, whether you find it in your organization’s Slack channel or online via blogs or Twitter. Otherwise, it becomes monotonous. In other words, your routine should be changed from time to time.

  1. Make Priorities

“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.” —Stephen Covey

Do you normally begin your workday with the easiest activities, persuading yourself that you’ll gradually increase your workload until you’re prepared to tackle the most difficult ones later in the day?

But, before we start praising ourselves on the back, we should reconsider the entire process.

We’re spending our most concentrated hours on low-priority activities, and by the time we get to the really important, time-consuming ones, we’ve already lost our focus and energy, negatively impacting our performance.

Use a chart to help you prioritize your objectives based on their importance so you can meet deadlines and stay productive even as your workload grows.

  1. Take Frequent Breaks

If you are working for 1 hour continuously, take a break of 10-15 minutes in between. If you work continuously for 8 hours, your productivity will decrease dramatically. The best results cannot be achieved if you do not take breaks and recesses while working.

To improve job productivity, take regular breaks every hour and prevent overworking. You can take a break at regular intervals to assist you to regain energy for work.

taking a break

During the break, you can water plants, go to the garden, take a walk outside to get some fresh air, snooze, interact with family members, and keep off-screen. To focus, you must be well hydrated; thus, drinking water on a regular basis is essential. You might set the alarm to remind you to drink water and stay hydrated.

Similarly, you may accomplish home tasks during the break, which might be helpful.

  1. Contribute To Online Meetings

Meetings and chats may take place via email, phone calls, or videoconferencing when working remotely.

Bring ideas to your team’s remote meetings, whether you’re meeting over a video conferencing platform or a group call. Speak clearly so your colleagues can hear you and provide feedback vocally and in writing so, your team can see and hear your thoughts.

So all you have to do is actively engage in those conference meetings, connect with others, and even express your desire to attend optional meetings. If you don’t have much to say, saying “Hi” and “Thanks, Bye” will establish your presence.

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Along with all these tips, you also can ask for regular feedback from your coworkers. It will help you to boost your efficiency. You can improve yourself from that feedback. You can also ask your company to provide some online training if you need it for your work.

Improving work efficiency is dependent on the performance of employees. They can be productive all the time if they obey the laws and regulations.

As a result, you may retain efficiency and operate from anywhere to boost the productivity of your team.

If you have any questions concerning the advice, please leave them in the comments area below.


  1. What Is Hybrid Remote Work?

The concept of hybrid work applies to any work strategy that enables an employee to work from home and in the office at the same time. In this type of work, there is no fixed workplace. Employees can work from anywhere they can be most productive and efficient.

  1. Does Remote Work Affect Employee’s Productivity?

If employees do their work properly, remote work helps to increase their productivity. In several studies done recently, it has been shown that remote employees are 47% more productive. Also, remote work might make employees lazy and decrease their productivity.

  1. How Does Remote Work Policies Encourage Diversity?

Companies that offer remote work often establish inclusion promises in an effort to attract, acquire, and retain diverse employees. Companies can benefit from hiring remote employees not only for their abilities but also for their perspectives. When an employee is located in another country, the perspective that he or she will bring will be different.